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* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { expect } from 'chai'; import { SinonFakeTimers, SinonStub, stub, useFakeTimers } from 'sinon'; import * as generateAuthTokenModule from '../api/generate-auth-token'; import { AppConfig } from '../interfaces/app-config'; import { CompletedAuthToken, RegisteredInstallationEntry, RequestStatus, UnregisteredInstallationEntry } from '../interfaces/installation-entry'; import { getFakeAppConfig } from '../testing/get-fake-app'; import '../testing/setup'; import { TOKEN_EXPIRATION_BUFFER } from '../util/constants'; import { sleep } from '../util/sleep'; import { get, set } from './idb-manager'; import { refreshAuthToken } from './refresh-auth-token'; const FID = 'dont-talk-to-strangers'; const AUTH_TOKEN = 'authTokenFromServer'; const DB_AUTH_TOKEN = 'authTokenFromDB'; const ONE_WEEK_MS = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; describe('refreshAuthToken', () => { let appConfig: AppConfig; let generateAuthTokenSpy: SinonStub< [AppConfig, RegisteredInstallationEntry], Promise<CompletedAuthToken> >; beforeEach(() => { appConfig = getFakeAppConfig(); generateAuthTokenSpy = stub( generateAuthTokenModule, 'generateAuthToken' ).callsFake(async () => { await sleep(100); // Request would take some time const result: CompletedAuthToken = { token: AUTH_TOKEN, expiresIn: ONE_WEEK_MS, requestStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED, creationTime: }; return result; }); }); it('throws when there is no installation in the DB', async () => { await expect(refreshAuthToken(appConfig)); }); it('throws when there is an unregistered installation in the db', async () => { const installationEntry: UnregisteredInstallationEntry = { fid: FID, registrationStatus: RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED }; await set(appConfig, installationEntry); await expect(refreshAuthToken(appConfig)); }); describe('when there is a valid auth token in the DB', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const installationEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry = { fid: FID, registrationStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED, refreshToken: 'refreshToken', authToken: { token: AUTH_TOKEN, expiresIn: ONE_WEEK_MS, requestStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED, creationTime: } }; await set(appConfig, installationEntry); }); it('returns the token from the DB', async () => { const token = await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); expect(token).to.equal(AUTH_TOKEN); }); it('does not call any server APIs', async () => { await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); expect(generateAuthTokenSpy); }); it('works even if the app is offline', async () => { stub(navigator, 'onLine').value(false); const token = await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); expect(token).to.equal(AUTH_TOKEN); }); }); describe('when there is an auth token that is about to expire in the DB', () => { let clock: SinonFakeTimers; beforeEach(async () => { clock = useFakeTimers({ shouldAdvanceTime: true }); const installationEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry = { fid: FID, registrationStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED, refreshToken: 'refreshToken', authToken: { token: DB_AUTH_TOKEN, expiresIn: ONE_WEEK_MS, requestStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED, creationTime: // Expires in ten minutes - ONE_WEEK_MS + TOKEN_EXPIRATION_BUFFER + 10 * 60 * 1000 } }; await set(appConfig, installationEntry); }); it('returns a different token after expiration', async () => { const token1 = await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); expect(token1).to.equal(DB_AUTH_TOKEN); // Wait 30 minutes. clock.tick('30:00'); const token2 = await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); await expect(token2).to.equal(AUTH_TOKEN); await expect(token2); expect(generateAuthTokenSpy); }); }); describe('when there is an expired auth token in the DB', () => { beforeEach(async () => { const installationEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry = { fid: FID, registrationStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED, refreshToken: 'refreshToken', authToken: { token: DB_AUTH_TOKEN, expiresIn: ONE_WEEK_MS, requestStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED, creationTime: - 2 * ONE_WEEK_MS } }; await set(appConfig, installationEntry); }); it('does not call generateAuthToken twice on subsequent calls', async () => { await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); expect(generateAuthTokenSpy); }); it('does not call generateAuthToken twice on simultaneous calls', async () => { await Promise.all([ refreshAuthToken(appConfig), refreshAuthToken(appConfig) ]); expect(generateAuthTokenSpy); }); it('returns a new token', async () => { const token = await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); await expect(token).to.equal(AUTH_TOKEN); await expect(token); expect(generateAuthTokenSpy); }); it('throws if the app is offline', async () => { stub(navigator, 'onLine').value(false); await expect(refreshAuthToken(appConfig)); }); it('saves the new token in the DB', async () => { const token = await refreshAuthToken(appConfig); const installationEntry = (await get( appConfig )) as RegisteredInstallationEntry; expect(installationEntry); expect(installationEntry.registrationStatus).to.equal( RequestStatus.COMPLETED ); const authToken = installationEntry.authToken as CompletedAuthToken; expect(authToken.requestStatus).to.equal(RequestStatus.COMPLETED); expect(authToken.token).to.equal(token); }); }); }); |